Thursday, July 10, 2014


In language teaching, there are some methods that can be used by teacher to teach her/his students, e.g. Audio-Lingual Method, Grammar Translation Method, Suggestopedia, etc. Even though some of them may not be applied now, but it's important for us, as an English teacher, to know more about these methods as a reference or additional knowledge. Below is the example of the teaching practice using Audio-Lingual Method.

Topic                         : Likes and Dislikes
Subtopic                   : Hobby
Class/Semester        : VII / 2
Level                        : Junior High school
Technique                : Audio Lingual Method

1. The students are able to respond and express the expression of likes and dislikes about hobby.
2. The students are able to ask the clarification and give the respond inter-personally.
3. The students are able to communicative speak.

Stage 1
1. The teacher greets the students and checks the attendance list.
2. The teacher presents a new dialogue.
3. The teacher gives the model of each line of dialogue to be repeated by students.
4. The teacher stops repetition and uses backward build-up (expansion) drill to the difficult sentence.
5. The teacher practices the dialogue with students (teacher as Anas, students as Bela) and gets the boys to take Anas’ lines and the girls take Bela’s lines (repetition drill).
Stage 2
1. The teacher uses chain drill with some lines of the dialogue.
2. The teacher selects some pairs of students to perform the entire dialogue.
3. The teacher uses single-slot and multiple-slot substitution drill to drill language from dialogue.
Stage 3
1. The teacher asks the students to change an affirmative sentence into negative sentence and interrogative sentence (transformation drill).
2. The teacher uses question-and-answer drill by asking them some questions.
3. The teacher uses minimal pairs by giving some words which have similar pronunciation.
Stage 4
1. The students are asked to complete the entire dialogue.
2. The teacher introduces grammar game.

I also complete it with Students Worksheet, you can DOWNLOAD HERE

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