Extensive reading is a type of reading for advance level. It doesn't try to get the meaning of a long text, but rather the meaning of its context. We can do it by re-reading the text for several times, taking note on important points, and then making a response.
Here is the example of response form of a research article.
Here is the example of response form of a research article.
Article title : College Students’ Use of Affective
and Social Language Learning Strategies:
A Classroom-Based Research.
Author : Marites B. Querol
Publisher : Time Taylor International (Philippine ESL Journal,
Date published : July 2010
Genre : Research article
Why did you decide to read this
Because I wanted to know more about language
learning strategies, especially Affective Language Learning Strategies (ALLS)
and Social Language Learning Strategies (SLLS), which might be able to be
implemented in the classroom. I was also curious whether or not these
strategies were used by the college students in Philippine and how the
relationship between these two.
Were you glad
that you decided to read it? Explain.
Yes, I was. After reading it, I got new knowledge
that there were some strategies in learning a language that were very helpful
in understanding the material better.
These strategies were very important for the successful of language
What did you
like best about this article?
This article provided tables as research findings
which helped the readers to understand the given information more. The results
were also completed with explanation and description so the information could
be really convincing.
What did you
like least?
The researcher didn’t give further explanation and
example about the relationship between ALLS and SLLS, so the information seemed
didn’t complete yet.
Would you recommend
this article to a friend? Explain.
Yes, I would.
As I stated before that this article gave me new information about
language learning strategies, as students majoring in English, these were
essential to increase our comprehension of the language we learned. I hoped
that this article would also help my friend both in processing new information
and performing task.
On a scale of
1-10, how difficult was this article for you?
I thought the difficulty degree was 5 -
intermediate. It was because although there were some unfamiliar words, but
overall I could still understand this article.
And here is the summary...
learning a language, every learner used learning strategies to process the
given information and do the tasks. This made some researchers conducted a study
to investigate the use of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) among the
students. Most of these studies were based on the idea that language was mean of
communication in which the speaker and listener understood each other. Oxford (1990)
divided the strategies into two; direct strategies consisting of memory
strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies, and indirect
strategies which covered metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and
social strategies. Current research result showed that the collaboration of two
or more strategies would result better in learning. Furthermore, LLS was not
only used in language learning, but also in science and technology. However,
among these strategies, Affective Language Learning Strategies (ALLS), which
focused on the learners’ feeling, and Social Language Learning Strategies
(SLLS), which related to the social relationship with others, were less used.
This became the basic reason on why this research was conducted. The researcher
wanted to find out whether or not ALLS and SLLS were used by the college
students in Philippine and the relationship between the two strategies. By
using descriptive design, researcher observed 24 English college students of
private university in Philippine and gave them questionnaires as the research
instrument. Later on, the gathered data would be analyzed using descriptive
statistic and Pearson correlation. The result showed that the students answered
the given questionnaires in varied ways, but it could be concluded that both
ALLS and SLLS were actually used by the students. But because every student had
his/her own perspectives and preferences, so the strategies used were also
different. The data also showed that there was a correlation between ALLS and
SLLS as they expected to be observed as one. Since these strategies were still
not optimized by the students, it was recommended to be integrated as part of
the language skills. Learning strategy helped the learners to succeed on their
language learning if it was used effectively. It could be done by training the
students in using these strategies and also by popularizing them.
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